Acknowledge your feelings.
Prevent burnout.
Create a better workplace in healthcare.

Hummin' helps you track your feelings of gratitude and vulnerability and share them with your peers. Acknowledging and sharing how you feel can improve your emotional wellbeing, increase empathy, and create a more humane workplace.

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We promote a work environment that prioritizes healthcare workers' emotional balance.

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Overlooking your own emotional states can look like the right strategy to survive your daily work life. However, it can put your emotional balance at risk, decrease your performance, and prevent you from detecting and addressing early signals of burnout.

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Acknowledging and tracking your moments of gratitude and vulnerability, and visualizing those of your team, can make you more aware of your feelings, foster self-reflection, elicit empathy, and encourage positive change.

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Sharing feelings of gratitude and vulnerability at work through Hummin' begins to create a culture of psychological safety, “the engine of team effectiveness.” This, in turn, can mitigate "several work-related factors contributing to clinician burnout".

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Voluntary aknowledgment and expression of these two emotions can be cathartic and eventually help you prevent burnout, beginning a culture of psychological safety.

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Why Hummin’ ?

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Expressing your gratitude and vulnerability has positive effects on your emotional wellbeing and that of your community. A complete control of what peers and leaders can know about you will keep your sharing private and safe. Encouraging to share their thoughts and feelings in order to make them feel heard.


Leaders can monitor the collective state of their units, and take action in response to vulnerability peaks. Prompt and targeted interventions can ease the daily-operation stress of the unit, and prevent vulnerability from turning into burnout. Sharing thoughts and feelings, will make healthcare workers feel heard, will foster dialogue, and will build a safer workplace.

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Sharing feelings of gratitude and vulnerability at work through Hummin’ begins to create a culture of psychological safety, “the engine of team effectiveness” and several work-related factors contributing to clinician burnout, including moral distress and meaning and purpose in work, are mitigated by creating a culture that is psychologically safe.

Targeted Interventions

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Visualizing the units' emotional trends together with anonymous data from individuals will help the unit leaders and HR to plan interventions when necessary. In addition, the system can provide automatic suggestions to individuals, to help them reduce their stress and take action.
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Unit Leaders are prompted to...

• Recognize the team’s vulnerable moments

• Plan unit meetings

• Reschedule shifts and breaks

• Invite (anonymous) vulnerable individuals to one-on-one meetings

The app automatically...

• Encourages vulnerable individuals to talk to someone in the team

• Suggests meetings with counsellor or HR

• Provides access to services that help dealing with stress

* these options are customizable to match your institution’s processes for connecting staff to support resources

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Contact us

Please contact us for more information or to request a demo.